The Collaborative is Bringing Together Educators to Foster Critical & Creative Thinking
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Our Initiatives


Our annual summer institute, begun in 2014, is a week of intense--and fun--professional learning with outstanding educators. Registration opens early in the year.


DC Project Zero (DCPZ), a network of over 2,300 local educators, is committed to nurturing deep thinking and understanding. We offer a free workshop series throughout the academic year.


Our projects are ongoing explorations of research-based practices and are led by renowned educators. They generally consist of a seminar series and school-based learning groups.


We provide a range of services to schools and other educational institutions–workshops, ongoing consultations, organization of conferences, talks, etc.

Our Events

Latest from the PDC Blog

Teaching with Museum Resources

Teaching with Museum Resources It’s no secret that we at the PD Collaborative love museums! The plethora of world-class museums practically at our doorsteps is our favorite part

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Colorful Sketchnote focused on the concept of "Play."

DCPZEC (DCPZ Early Childhood) is Back!

Facebook Twitter DCPZEC (DCPZ Early Childhood) is Back! This blog post is written by Alexandra Morris, Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator at George Mason University, and Kerstin Schmidt, Pre-K teacher

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Latest News from the Collaborative

Read from our latest newsletter about everything PDC has been up to!  About twice a month, the Professional Development Collaborative sends out a newsletter to its 2000+ subscribers to let

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